Are you ready to dive deep and make some major shifts in how you see yourself, your purpose and the difference you are here to make?


If you are motivated to do some deep transformational work that will catapult you on your path and give you immediate results in feeling good, confident and ready to take on the life you are meant to lead, then a VIP day is the right option for you.

Work with me privately for a full immersion day where you will gain clarity on what you want, who you are and what to do next in your life and/or business. This is the fastest way to see immediate results.

It is a great investment in your future and your NOW.

In this powerful day, we will dive deep to:

  • Uncover Your Guiding Values
  • Define Your Personal Strengths
  • Highlight Your Powerful Skills & Gifts
  • Create Your Powerful Vision and Big WHY
  • Bring to Life Your True Passions
  • Unfold Your Unique Life Story and Integrate it Into Your Purpose
  • Create a Powerful Life or Business Purpose Statement
  • Uncover and Break Through Limiting Beliefs and Create Powerful Mindset Shifts
  • Find Your Voice and Authentic Self-Expression
  • Create Daily Connection Practices To Keep You Aligned With Your Highest Self
  • Establish Nurturing and Realistic Self-Care Practices
  • Create Your Super Support System
  • Consciously Design Goal-Setting and Strategic Life/Biz Plan
  • Create Systems, Structure and Accountability to Support Your Transformation

You will walk away from our time together with a renewed sense of clarity on who you are, your purpose and contribution and the steps you will take to get there.

You will gain…

Courage and

To move forward and create a joyful, successful life on your terms.

What’s included:

  • 6 hours of highly personalized and maximized time together
  • A written action plan you can implement immediately
  • A 1-hour follow up phone call after the VIP day
  • Delicious lunch, snacks and other goodies.

Investment: $2,297


Ready to make some significant changes in your life? I’m here to help. Feel free to book a Complimentary Session with me here. In this session, we will explore your desires and needs and how I can help you.

What Clients are Saying

Find more testimonials here

“Justine has a unique way of inspiring and uplifting everyone she connects with! Through her Life/Business Design Strategy Program, she took my vision and gave me the tools and confidence to move my business forward with clarity and focus.As a coach, Justine has a gift of bringing your ideas to life, creating the action and support you need. She offers tremendous value and insight and I am so grateful to have met Justine and will continue to work with her throughout my professional and personal life!”

Jennifer BattagliaEvent Planner, Los Angeles, CA

“I’ve enjoyed the experience of working with my life coach, Justine on so many levels. It allows me to take the time to talk out my challenges. It has become a great tool to help me map out a plan of action when dealing with life. Sometimes areas of life can seem overwhelming and it has really helped to break it down and focus on one thing at a time. The greatest part is when you realize things aren’t all that bad and can be easily dealt with.

Coaching has allowed me to learn things about myself and come to know that the glass is really half full. It has helped me to remember, life has it’s ups and downs, challenges and surprises but it’s all in the way you deal with each surprise and use your own beautiful, amazing attributes. The skills and tools I have learned from working with Justine make things so much easier. Thank you for your assistance Justine!”

Mona G.